Call for Papers zur Konferenz des Centre for Church and Mission in the West: »Vision of the Good Life: Salvation in the 21st Century«, 08.–10.06.2022 in Kampen (Niederlande)
The Centre for Church and Mission in the West (CCMW, www.churchandmission.nl) is happy to announce an important conference on »Visions of the Good Life: Salvation in the 21st Century«. The conference will be held in Kampen (the Netherlands), from 8 to 10 June 2022.
We will be welcoming a host of interesting contributors such as:
– Dr Cathy Ross (Regent’s Park College, Oxford)
– Dr Harvey Kwiyani (Liverpool Hope University)
– Prof Clive Marsh (University of Leicester)
– Dr Christopher James (University of Dubuque)
– Dr Nigel Rooms (The Queen’s Foundation, Birmingham)
There will be ample room for paper presentations and other contributions from PhD students, practitioners, and other researchers.
We welcome papers that explore views on and practices of salvation. How are views on salvation motivating current practices in church and mission in the secular and multireligious West, how do views of and practices of salvation develop in response to new conditions of faith, and how can they be brought into dialogue with theological traditions in order to contribute to a fruitful embodiment of Christian faith in the secular and multireligious West. Possible questions:
– How do late-modern people in general and Christians in particular experience salvation? How does this experience change their relationship to the church as community, and its practices? Which views of the good life are dominant in our societies and how can theology engage with them?
– Which views of salvation animate existing practices of church and mission and what are the consequences of such views for the motivation and efficacy of practitioners – for better or worse?
– How can church organization, the structure of the offices, and church law be expressions and embodiments of the good and wholesome life? How can they be (more) redemptive?
– Papers may include different methodological fields, such as ethnography, practical theology, missiology, (church) law, systematic theology, biblical theology, and social science approaches. We specially invite junior researchers to submit a paper, as this is an excellent opportunity to meet and interact with other researchers.
Short paper proposals (100 words) should be submitted before December 1st 2021.
More information can be found in the Call for Papers: https://churchandmission.nl/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Call-for-Papers-CCMW-Conference-2022.pdf
Stefan Paas
J.H. Bavinck Professor of Missiology and Intercultural Theology
Department of Beliefs & Practices
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Tel. +31 20 59 86952
Personal Web Page: http://www.godgeleerdheid.vu.nl/en/about-the-faculty/academic-staff/m-s/s-paas/index.aspx
Twitter: https://twitter.com/StefanPaas
Linkedin: http://linkedin.com/pub/stefan-paas/5/73a/513