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Neues Testament


Wolter, Michael


Der Brief an die Römer. 2 Teilbde. Teilbd. 1: Röm 1–8.


Göttingen (Neukirchen-Vluyn): Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (Neukirchener Theologie); Ostfildern: Patmos Verlag 2014. XIII, 559 S. = Evangelisch-Katholischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament, VI/1. Kart. EUR 89,00. ISBN 978-3-7887-2883-0 (V & R); 978-38436-0566-3 (Patmos). Teilbd. 2: Röm 9–16. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (Neukirchener Theologie); Ostfildern: Verlagsgruppe Patmos 2018. XI, 511 S. = Evangelisch-Katholischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament. Neue Folge, VI/2. Kart. EUR 85,00. ISBN 978-3-7887-3344-5 (V & R); 978-3-8436-1106-0 (Patmos).


Paul Foster

With the appearance of the second volume, Michael Wolter’s landmark and seminal commentary on the Letter to the Romans is now complete. These two volumes are the second analysis of Romans in the EKK series. The previous treatment being that of Ulrich Wilkens, which appeared in three volumes (1978; 1980; 1982). W. characterises his own treatment neither as a replacement, nor as an update of Wilkens commentary. Instead it offers a fresh reading of the text, and it is apparent that his treatment is aware of the developments in Pauline scholarship over the ensuing forty years. Yet, W. is not constrain-ed by such recent debates. Instead he is happy to offer his own interpretations for several key texts contained in the letter.
In the first volume, after a bibliography (1–16), an ...

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