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Dogmen- und Theologiegeschichte


Lévy, Antoine, Annala, Pauli, Hallamaa, Olli, and Tuomo Lankily [Eds.]


The Architecture of the Cosmos. St. Maximus the Confessor. New Perspectives. Ed. with the collaboration of D. Kaley.


Helsinki: Luther-Agricola-Society 2015. 355 S. = Schriften der Luther-Agricola-Gesellschaft, 69. Kart. EUR 36,00. ISBN 978-951-9047-78-2.


Andrew Louth

Interest in Maximos the Confessor shows no sign of diminishing: monographs on the Confessor and symposia on his thought keep appearing. Alongside this interest in Maximos, indeed overlapping with it, has been a growing interest in Byzantine philosophy, a subject that seemed scarcely to exist in traditional histories of philosophy: it is now recognized that philosophical reflection continued in the Greek world after the last flowering of Neoplatonism in the fifth and sixth centuries, a signal example being Maximos the Confessor, though there are many other Byzantine philosophers, be-fore and since. This symposium, the proceedings of a conference held in Helsinki in 2013, contributes to both trends.
The title, we are told in Antoine Lévy’s introduction, is deliber-ately ...

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