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Systematic Theology: Dogmatics


Roest, Gert-Jan


The Gospel in the Western Context. A Missiological Reading of Christology in Dialogue with Hendrikus Berkhof and Colin Gunton.

Publishing Co.:

Leiden u. a.: Brill 2018. X, 425 S. = Studies in Reformed Theology, 37. Kart. EUR 68,00. ISBN 978-90-04-38647-1.


Hans Burger

This book is the published version of Gert-Jan Roest’s PhD-thesis (VU Amsterdam). R. has worked as a church planter in Amsterdam. Currently, he is teaching missiology and working for the Dutch Protestant Church. The Gospel in the Western Context is about the quest for a contextual theology in the West (the North Atlantic world); systematic theology with a missiological interest. This is the central question (21): ›what are the contours of a contextualized gospel for the Western world at the beginning of the 21st century?‹
R. answers this question by analyzing and evaluating the Dutch theologian Hendrikus Berkhof (1914–1995) and the British theologian Colin Gunton (1941–2003). How do they read the Western context and understand the significance of Jesus ...

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