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Church History: Ancient Church, Christian Archaeology


Allen, Pauline, and Bronwen Neil


Crisis Management in Late Antiquity (410–590 CE). A Survey of the Evidence from Episcopal Letters

Publishing Co.:

Leiden u. a.: Brill 2013. XIV, 286 S. = Supplements to Vigiliae Christiana, 121. Geb. EUR 109,00. ISBN 978-90-04-18577-7.


Susanna Elm

In the opening sentence of this volume, which is the result of a three-year research project, the authors point out that »appropriate responses to environmental and social crisis – by individuals, communities, governments, religious and charitable organizations – are increasingly under focus in the twenty-first century« (1). Whether or not this focus has indeed increased in the last decade is not the point of this volume. Rather, the authors sought to find responses to a series of crisis, some singular occurrences, others recurrent and endemic, in the later Roman Empire and beyond. To identify such crisis and to chart the type of ancient responses is a formidable task given the nature of the surviving evidence. Pauline Allen and Bronwen Neil chose as the basis of their ...

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