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1913 Nr. 9




Oldenberg, Hermann


Rgveda. Textkritische und exegetische Noten. 7. bis 10. Buch 1913


Keith, Arthur Berriedale

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259 Theologifche Literaturzeitung 1913 Nr. 9. 260

Oldenberg, Hermann: Rgveda. Textkritifche u. exeget.
Noten. 7. bis 10. Buch. (Abhandlungen der Kgl. Gef.
der Wiff. zu Göttingen. Phil.-hift. Kl. N. F. Bd. XIII,
Nr. 3.) (IV, 392 S.) 40. Berlin, Weidmann 1912. M. 25 —

With this volume Profeffor Oldenberg completes his
critical and explanatory notes 011 the Rgveda. (Vgl.
ThLZ 1911, Sp. 385). He forbids us to claim his work as a
new Commentary on that text, but in effect the des-
cription is fully justified. The notes constitute an ade-
quate treatment of practically all those difficulties in the
Samhitä which can be dealt with within the limits of a
commentary proper. The discussions of the possible mea-
nings of the obscure parts of the text which he refrains
from entering into are out of place in a commentary,
since to be of value such discussions must enter into füll
detail and must therefore surpass the limits which can
properly be observed in such a work. Instead we are
given a Condensed mass of comments and criticisms on
the difficulties of sense and construction many of which
occur in hymns which present generally no special obscu-
rity of meaning, and it is in the cumulative effect of these
observations that the great learning and admirable judg-
ment of the author are most fully displayed. It is possible
to toubt the correctness of the Äkhyäna theory
which he invented and has so ably defended, but it is
not possible to ignore the wide knowledge and power
of concentration which enable him in a few lines to dis-
pose of a vexed question of meaning in a way which füll
consideration shows is really final. There can be no
better example of this than his treatment of the much
vexed kuta in x. 102. 4 where he shows conclusively
that the sense 'hammer' should be adopted everywhere
and that there is no need for the different senses accepted
by Geldner and others.

The advantages of this close study of the text are
seen in the author's judgment of the meanig of the Mud-
gala hymn (x. 102) as a whole. He remains of opinion
as he was when he first studied the hymn (ZDMG. xxxv.
78) that the later tradition does not afford any real assi-
stance in understanding the text and he rejects the ela-
boration of Geldner's reconstruction of the Situation,
though unlike Bloomfield he admits that there is in it a
comic dement. And there he is content to leave the
matter, and in this attitude which realises the limitations
to our possible knowledge of many things in the Samhitä
lies one of Professor Oldenberg's greatest claims
to admiration as a Vedic scholar.

Of the many points of interest raised in the commentary it must
suffice to call attention to one or two of the more important. In dis-
cussing the battle of the ten kings which is alluded to in vii. 18, 33,
and 83 he rightly rejects the ingenious attempt of Hopkins to reduce the
people of the Turvasa into a mere nickname of the Yadu king signi-
fying the speed with which he retired from the disastrous conflict. It
is more doubtful whether he succeeds in disproving the references seen
by Hopkins to the part played by Vis'vämitra on the side of the defe-
ated confederacy, and still more doubtful if we are really to deny to the
Rgveda the knowledge of the enmity of Vis'vämitra and Vasistha which
the later texts assert, and which has every appearance of reality. On
the other hand due weight must;be assigned to the powerful defence of
the view that the Trtsus are the priestly family of which Vasistha was
the prominent member. It would be idle to deny that after Professor
Oldenberg's Statement of the case for this view it can well maintain
itself as a legitimate explanation of the circumstances. The only really
tempting alternative explanation is that of Geldner who saw in the Trtsus
the royal family which Vasistha served and of which Sudäs was the
head. For this Version must count the phrase in vii. 33. 6 Trtsunäm
vis'ah, for although this phrase can be construed as referring to the people
with whom the Trtsus were connected as priests, still it is more natural
to see in it the sense of subjects of the Trtsus, vis having as one of its
most common meanigs ,subject'.

Professor Oldenberg declines to be induced to accept Sieg's eloquent
effort to prove that in x. 98 we have the figure of a Ksatriya Deväpi
who becomes a priest, as asserted as early as Yäska, and he is not con-
vinced by the ingenious effort of Hillebrandt to find in x. 18. 8 a refer-
ence not to the burial ritual but to the ritual of human sacrifice, in
which the wife of the king plays the same part which is assigned to her
in the ritual of the horse sacrifice. Moreover he declines to see either

in vii. 33. 9 or x. 14. 14 the traces of the belief in transmigration of
the souls which Geldner and others have sought to find in the*!Rgveda
and which I have elsewhere (IRAS. 1909, 574, 575) sought to disprove.

Of the many important contributions to the study of Rgvedic'grammar
special attention may be drawn to the discussion (pp. 175—180) of the
Position of the negative na and its distiuction from na in*'comparision,
and the able treatment (pp. 69,70) of the cases of the alleged contraction
despite m which Roth endeavoured to find in so many passages of the

A. Berriedale Keith.

Exner, Dr. Fei. M.: Zum Klima v. Paläftina. Mit e. Vorwort
v. Prof. Dr. M. Blanckenhorn u. 2 Taf. [Aus: .Ztfchr.
d. deut. Paläftina-Ver.'] (60 S. m. 2 Karten.) 8°. Leipzig,
J. C. Hinrichs 1911. M. 4 —

Das kleine Buch ftellt den erften Verfuch dar, aus
den in Paläftina vollzogenen meteorologifchen Beobachtungen
ein Gefamtbild vom Klima des heiligen Landes
zu geben. Ältere Arbeiten betrafen entweder nur einzelne
Orte, wie Jerufalem, Hebron, oder fie behandelten nur die
Niederfchlagsverhältniffe. Das Material für diefen Verfuch
haben hauptfächlich die Beobachtungsftationen geliefert
, die feit 1895 durch den deutfchen Verein zur
Erforschung Paläftinas eingerichtet und unterhalten worden
find. Außerdem wurden auch andere, namentlich eng-
lifche Beobachtungen verwertet, fo daß hier, von vereinzelten
Beobachtungen abgefehen, die Klimatabellen von
etwa 14 Stationen benutzt werden konnten. Das ift für
Paläftina fchon eine ganz anfehnliche Zahl. Darin liegt
der Vorzug diefer Schrift nicht nur vor den älteren Arbeiten
, fondern auch vor der fehr wertvollen Unterfuchung
des Jefuiten Zumoffen, La Meteorologie de la Palestine
et de la Syrie (Bull, de la Societe de Geographie, Ser. 7,
Bd. 20, Paris 1899), infofern diefer für Paläftina nur das
Material von 3 Stationen verwertet hat, Tiberias, Jerufalem
und Jafa. Aus den Verhältniffen des Landes verfteht es
fich leicht, daß zuverläffige Beobachter nur da zu gewinnen
find, wo fich Europäer oder wiffenfchaftlich gebildete
Orientalen dauernd niedergelaffen haben. Auch der
beffere Eingeborene hat fich bisher als unbrauchbar felblt
für die einfachften Beobachtungen diefer Art erwiefen.
Trotz verfchiedener Verfuche ift es daher dem deutfchen
Paläftina-Verein bisher nicht möglich gewefen, über das
füdliche Jordantal und noch weniger über das Oftjordan-
land eine längere Reihe von Beobachtungen zu erhalten,
obgleich gerade diefe Gegenden ein befonderes Intereffe
beanfpruchen. Nur über das nördliche Jordantal lagen
Beobachtungen vor, die Dr. Exner in feine Darftellung
verarbeitet hat.

Für eine umfaffende Befchreibung des Klimas von
Paläftina reichen daher die bisher erlangten Mittel nicht
aus. Das Buch will nichts anderes fein, als eine Darfteilung
und Befprechung des jüngften Beobachtungsmaterials
(S. 8), die fich im Anfchluß an die deutfchen
Beobachtungen auf die Jahre 1896—1905 erltreckt. Damit
hängt es zufammen, daß der Verf. auf die in früheren
Arbeiten vorgetragenen Ergebniffe und Anfchauungen
keine Rückficht nimmt. Ich verltehe fehr wohl, daß diefe
Befchränkung durch den Anlaß der Arbeit bedingt war;
aber ich bedauere fie doch. Denn zwifchen den Angaben
der älteren Arbeiten und den von Dr. Exner gewonnenen
Ergebniffen treten mehrfach Unterfchiede hervor, über die
man gern Auskunft hätte. Th. Chaplin (1883) und Dr.
Kerften (1891) gaben die Menge des mittleren jährlichen
Niederfchlags in Jerufalem mit 581,9mm an, in Nazareth
mit 611,7mm; nach Dr. Exner ift die Normalzahl für
Jerufalem 630mm, für Nazareth 620mm (vgl. die beigegebene
Tafel V). Wie find die Unterfchiede zu beurteilen
? Sind die Beobachtungen, aus denen die älteren
Zahlen gewonnen wurden, fehlerhaft gemacht oder fehlerhaft
veröffentlicht worden (vgl. S. 31), oder find die Niederfchlagsverhältniffe
jener früheren Jahre andere gewefen?
Zu folchen Fragen möchte man die Meinung eines Fachmanns
gern kennen lernen.