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Systematische Theologie: Dogmatik


Jones, Paul Dafydd


Patience – A Theological Exploration. Part One: From Creation to Christ.


London u. a.: Bloomsbury T&T Clark 2022. 632 S. Kart. £ 23,97. ISBN 9780567694386.


Samuel Welbaum

The book is a unique work for four notable reasons. First and foremost, the literature on the theology of patience is surprisingly small. It is not nonexistent however, and Paul Dafydd Jones is careful to pull not merely from the history of theology, but also from the few contemporary works on the topic as well, as he builds his argument. Second, this work is one which is waiting for a sequel. Jones notes multiple times throughout this work that this is a multi-volume work, and apologizes multiple times as well that the conclusions reached at the end of this volume are not fully realized as they are a step toward a final conclusion in a forthcoming work. Third, Jones makes use of Barth’s style of writing in which some of the text is a smaller font than the bulk of the text. This ...

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