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Dogmen- und Theologiegeschichte


Clary, Ian Hugh


Reformed Evangelicalism and the Search for a Usable Past. Theo Historiography of Arnold Dallimore, Pastor-Historian.


Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2020. 226 S. = Reformed Historical Theology, 61. Geb. EUR 110,00. ISBN 9783525567241.


Edward George Manger

Ian Hugh Clary has provided a significant contribution to the developing field of the history of evangelical historical writing in this volume about the, hitherto unstudied, popular historian Arnold Dallimore. The strengths of this work are many; firstly and crucially C. grounds the historical writings of Dallimore firmly in a narrative of the historians life and work and church background. In doing so the reader is afforded a keen and sympathetic insight into the task of Dallimore and the passions and predispositions which led him to his much admired work on Whitfield and led him into the discipline of historical writing, to which he was not previously accustom and in which he had received no formal training. The main argument of the book is that Dallimore was in effect creating a usable ...

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