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Arnhold, Marlis, Maier, Harry O., and Jörg Rüpke [Eds.]


Seeing the God. Image, Space, Performance, and Vision in the Religion of the Roman Empire. Proceedings of the Eponymous International Conference which was held on June 3 and 4, 2015 at the University of Bonn.


Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2018. XIX, 304 S. m. Abb. = Culture, Religion, and Politics in the Greco-Roman World, 2. Lw. EUR 124,00. ISBN 978-3-16-155721-7.


Jan N. Bremmer

The book under review features the proceedings of a conference in Bonn in 2015 and is edited by an archaeologist (Arnhold), a New Testament scholar (Maier) and a historian of religion (Rüpke). As the Introduction states, its aim was to bring together various disciplinary approaches to the religious visual culture of the Roman Empire and to visualise the entanglement of religious imagery with the visual culture of this period. In this respect, the conference is indebted to the ›material turn‹, which has led to a sharper focus on questions regarding the aesthetic, anthropomorphic, gender and spatial aspects of religion in general and the divine in particular. This has led the editors to ask: What knowledge enabled the ancients to identify an image as a representation of a divinity or a ...

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