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Neues Testament


Körner, Johanna


Sexualität und Geschlecht bei Paulus. Die Spannung zwischen »Inklusivität« und »Exklusivität« des paulinischen Ethos am Beispiel der Sexual- und Geschlechterrollenethik.


Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2020. XIII, 332 S. = Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. 2. Reihe, 512. Kart. EUR 84,00. ISBN 978-3-16-156713-1.


William Loader

A doctoral dissertation completed under the supervision of Matthias Konradt in Heidelberg, this monograph addresses the questions of the extent to which Christ-believers and Paul in particular took a stance which was inclusive or exclusive in relation to outside influence and does so by focusing on the theme of sexuality and gender. Was there a distinctively Christian ethic or are ethical values reflective of the Jewish and Hellenistic world of the time, reinforced by Christian faith statements? The work begins with a brief research review, but giving particular attention to the contribu-tions of Michael Wolter generally on Pauline ethic as ecclesial and raises the questions: how inclusive or exclusive is Paul’s ethic in relation to sexuality and gender and for Paul what »indicative« ...

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