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Neues Testament


Wassermann, Clemens


Das vierte Evangelium aus Sicht der semitischen Sprachen. Ein linguistischer Beitrag zur Klärung der johanneischen Frage.


Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2019. 387 S. = Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte, 65. Geb. EUR 48,00. ISBN 978-3-374-06459-5.


J. K. Elliott

This book is based on Clemens Wassermann’s doctoral dissertation, recently successfully submitted to the Evangelical Theology Fa-culty in Leuven, Belgium. It now appears in the prestige series »Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte« as no. 65. Currently W. is employed as a teacher of Old Testament languages and literature at the Eusebia School of Theology in Stuttgart. As the work reviewed here began life as a thesis, the chapter on previously published academic studies into Semitisms in the Bible and a 50+ page bibliography (of books predominately in German or English — all of which were presumably available to and read by W.), as well as a section on his methodology and a brief listing and analysis of works by former scholars such as Black, Bultmann and Beyer are understandably ...

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