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Kirchengeschichte: Neuzeit


Güntzer, Augustin


L’histoire de toute ma vie. Autobiographie d’un potier d’étain calviniste du XVIIe siècle. Traduction de l’édition allemande commentée de F. Brändle, D. Sieber, R. E. Hofer et M. Landert-Scheuber par M. Debus Kehr. Préface de J. Revel.


Paris: Honoré Champion 2010. 242 S. m. Abb. = Vie des Huguenots, 55. Geb. EUR 59,00. ISBN 978-2-7453-2029-2.


Irena Backus

As the subtitle indicates this is a French translation of the critical edition of Ein kleines Biechlein von meinem gantzen Leben, by the Alsatian pewterer Augustin Güntzer (1596 – ca. 1660?). The critical edition based on the Basel manuscript (Basel UB: H V 165) appeared in 2002 from Böhlau Verlag in Cologne and was at the time ac­-claim­ed by several reviewers, not just for its very accurate transcription of the text but also for the detail of its commentary and prefatory matter. As well as the description of the manuscript, the commentary contained comments on the text and on the contents, the biography and analysis of the author’s religious, historical and social context and a detailed index of persons and places. Two artic­-les written by F. Brändle and D. Sieber, ...

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