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Ausgabe: | 1987 |
Spalte: | 265-266 |
Kategorie: | Neues Testament |
Titel/Untertitel: | The Gospel according to St. Luke, Chapters 1 - 12 1987 |
Rezensent: | Kilpatrick, George Dunbar |
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Theologische Literaturzeitung 112. Jahrgang 1987 Nr. 4 266
Bickerman scheut, zu bescheinigen, daß er seine Auffassungen stets
exakt belegt, dann auch in eine gründliche Auseinandersetzung mit
anderen Forschern eintritt und so mit seinem Kommentar zumal den
Fachgelehrten und genauen Kennern der Materie eine Vielzahl von
sehr bedenkenswerten Anregungen und Hinweisen vermittelt. Zweifellos
hat er so mit dem vorliegenden umfangreichen, mit großer
Sachkenntnis gearbeiteten Band die Forschung am 2Makk - und
zugleich noch einmal am 1 Makk - wesentlich gefordert und darüber
hinaus auch der Alten Geschichte, speziell der Jüdischen Geschichte
neue Impulse verliehen. Dafür gebührt ihm uneingeschränkt Dank.
Rostock Klaus-Dietrich Schunck
Neues Testament
The Gospel aecording to St. Luke.Ed. by The American and British
Committees of the International Greek New Testament Projcct.
Part I: Cap. 1-12. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1984. XVI, 299 S. 4' =
The New Testament in Greek, 3. Lw. t 55.-.
This is the third fascicle of an edition of the New Testament in
Greek. First, it has a concise introduetion which teils how the
materials have been selected and gives the names of those who have
cooperated in the edition. Secondly, the bulk of the book consists of
Luke I—XII printed from the Textus Reccptus (=TR) verse by verse.
At the beginning of each chapter is a list of the witnesses which are
'acking for the chapter. Each verse has also an indication of the
w'tnesses which in addition are lacking in whole or part for that verse.
Further it gives details of the patristic quotations that have been used.
Finally comes the actual apparatus which is exclusive, that is, it gives
only the witnesses that have the variant and not the witnesses for the
•ext at each point.
We may notice one particular in which this fascicle differs from its
two predecessors. They printed the text of Westcott and Hort as the
text of references whereas the present volume prints the TR. This
decision involves two principles: first that this edition does not
mclude among its purposes the construetion of a new text, and
secondly the choice of a text of reference does not imply a textual
JUdgement but it simply made as a matter of convenience.
The TR represents with little exception the text of the great
majority of Greek witnesses for the NT. If another text were used as
'he text of reference wherever the TR differed from this, we would
have a long series of manuscripts in the apparatus supporting the TR
reading. By choosing the TR as the base, the apparatus is much
This decision is justified, collecting evidence for an apparatus and
eonstrueting a text are two different or related activities. The two
committees are quite right in keeping them separate and in concen-
trating on the formation of an apparatus.
Right as it is. there is one difficulty in this procedure. Tischendorf
and von Soden both produced Greek NT texts and it is rcasonable to
assume their commitment to editing a text may have affected their
assembly of an apparatus. This would explain the irregulär citation of
witnesses as they supported the editor's selection of readings.
In the Statement of "General Principles of the Edition" in the Introduetion
we are told that (4) "All manuscripts used are cited
throughout and not merely in selected passages". This sounds
■"easonable enough but runs into some difficulties.
Some of these difficulties can be seen from the use made of the Latin
evidence. The Old Latin evidence for Luke is often cited from
Jülicher's Itala. B. Fischer gives a fuller list of Old Latin manuscripts
UJ his Verzeichnis. In the present fascicle Jülicher's list of Old Latin
MSS js followed except for the addition of Sangermanensis 1
(Fischer 7) and Gatianus (30). We may wonder why these two MSS
were chosen and why the rest of Fischer's list of Old Latin MSS was
It can of course be argued that the occasional evidence of Old Latin
is not of great moment, that textual decicions are made on other
grounds. In that case why should we compile such a füll apparatus?
There are reasons for such a collection of information, but if they are
valid, then we must include the Old Latin as distinet from the Vulgate.
By arbitrarily confining our presentation of this evidence to Jülicher's
MSS we have weakened the value of our apparatus in one direction.
In making this comment we have to recognize that selection has
been forced on the making of the edition because of the immensity of
the material.
For instance the Greek cursive MSS have been quoted aecording to
the Claremont Profile Method which aims at giving coverage of a
selected number of MSS to illustrate the main lines of textual deve-
lopment during the Middle Ages (cf. F. Wisse, The Profile Method of
Classifying and Evaluating Manuscript Evidence). Selection has been
neecssary but in selecting, little direct attention has been given to the
contribution of such MSS to the recovery of the original form of the
text. The history of the text isan interestingand informative study, but
it is no Substitute for the textual criticism ofthe New Testament.
Naturally we can think of various areas where frrfsh material for our
apparatus may lurk, but there are practical difficulties in the way of
incorporating such material. First, is one of time. This enterprise has
operated on grants, often made, as we can divine from the Introduetion
, for a limited period. In general terms the enterprise has had to
operate within something likc a time limit.
There are other limitations on the resources available to the enterprise
. It makes demands on the energy and time of scholars who
usually have other commitments. It requires expert knowledge which
cannot alway easily be found.
How are these difficulties to be overcome? If we cannot envisage a
series of editions and Supplements ad infinilum, is there a practical
alternative? This question will have to be faced when the second
fascicle of Luke, already far advanced, appears. One Suggestion is a
Computer bank which can be enlarged as new material becomes
available. For example, Legg's Euangelium Secundum Marcum
which appeared some fifty years ago, can now be profitably supple-
mented with material that has since become available. This requires
Organisation. Probably few scholars for some time will be able to buy a
Computer bank for an apparatus to the Greek New Testament, espe-
cially when it is organised to take in new material. We hope that such
Computer banks will become cheaper. Meanwhile each centre for New
Testament studies could invest in such a valuable piece of equipment.
There is of course the interest of the publisher to take into aecount, but
the printer has already had valuable experience with the Oxford Eng-
lish Dictionary.
Such a development would make the Irfternational Greek New
Testament an even more useful tool for those who are interested in
attempting to reconstruet the original form of the New Testament
text. As it is, the textual critic is now better placed for the study of
Luke 1-12 than he was before. This is thanks to many cooperators
who have made this work possible and in particular to the late
Dr. G. G. Willis, to Professor J. Neville Birdsall and the present exe-
cutive secretary, Dr. J. K. Elliott. Finally we can wish Luke 13-24
good success.
Oxford G. D. Kilpatrick
Dietzfelbinger, Christian: Die Berufung des Paulus als Ursprung seiner
Theologie. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag 1985. XI,
164 S. 8- = WMANT, 58. Lw. DM 42,-.
Der Vf. unternimmt den Versuch, die Damaskuserfahrung als die
tragende Mitte der paulinischen Theologie aufzudecken. Folgerichtig
will er zunächst das Damaskusgeschehen selbst erfassen, vor allem
anhand der Frage, unter welchen Voraussetzungen es Paulus traf und