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Kirchengeschichte: Alte Kirche, Christliche Archäologie


Von Sinuhe bis Nebukadnezar 1979


Ahlström, Gösta W.

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Theologische Literaturzeitung 104. Jahrgang 1979 Nr. 10


nämlich allein unmittelbar von Jesus stammende Worte bindende
Macht in Sachen des Glaubens und der Sittlichkeit. Es scheint so,
daß Pesch alle jene „Autoritätssprüche" für „Worte Jesu" hält.

W. Grundmann weist nach, daß Jesus ein eschatologischer
Prophet vom Typ eines alttestamentlichen Weisheitslehrers ist.
Die von ihm verkündete Weisheit jedoch ist von solcher Art, daß
daraus schließlich der Konflikt zwischen Jesus und den Pharisäern

G. Baumbach untersucht die Ankündigungen der eschatologi-
schen Zukunft im Philipperbrief. H.Zimmermann beschäftigt
Sieh mit dem lukanischen Gleichnis vom gottlosen Richter. Der
Sinn dieses Gleichnisses - sowohl in der Lehre Jesu selbst als auch
ffl seinem Verständnis in der Urkirehe - ist ausgesprochen esohato-

Als Oanzes stellt die Festschrift einen ziemlich zutreffenden
Niederschlag der in der Gegenwart zu beobachtenden Tendenzen
dar - besonders hinsichtlich der deutschen Exegese des Neuen
Testaments. An der Herausbildung des heutigen Niveaus dieser
Exegese, an der Popularisierung - vor allem im Raum der katholischen
Exegese - der literarkritischen Studien unter Anwendung
fler form- und redaktionsgeschichtlichen Methode hat zweifelsohne
gerade Heinz Schürmann einen hervorragenden Anteil. Die Festgabe
ist also auch in dieser Hinsicht des Jubilars überaus würdig.

(Übersetzung aus dem Polnischen)

Warachan Kazlmier?. Romanluk

Bohlmann, Ralph: Celebracäo da concordia (Jgreja Luterana

38 1978 S. 41-76).
rOosterbaan, J. A.:] De Geest in het geding. Opstellen aangeboden

Mn J.A.Oosterbaan ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als hoog-

leraar, onder Redactie van I. B. Horst, A. F. de Jong en D. Vis-

ser. Alphen aan den Rijn: Willinck 1978. 309 S., 1 Porträt gr.8°.
Beker, E. J.: Een scherpzinnige vraag over de saeramentslcer van

Karl Barth (13-28).
Brons, K.J.: Heidegger cn Dcscartes. Enige aantekeningen bij

Heideggers interpretatie van Descartes (29-46).
Deurloo, K.A.: Geest op profetisch bevel (47-56).
Dyck, C. J.: Hermeneutics and Discipleship (57-72).
Oolterman. W. F.: Een consensus over de doop? (73-85).
Hoekema, A.G.: De Geest waait soms anders. Notities over de

theologiebeoefening in Azie (86-98).
Horst, I. B.: The Fellowship in the Spirit. Tmmanental Grace in

Seminary and Church Life (99-110).
Jacobszoon, J.P.: Gelassenheit. Enkele historische notities (111

his 126).

Jong.A.F. de: Tijd en Geest. Een beschouwing naar aanleiding

van Heideggers tijdsbegrip (127-144).
Jonge. H. J. de: Caro in Spiritum. Delenus en zijn uitlegging van

Joh. 6:51 (145-168).
Kinasen. Church Disciplinc and the Spirit in Pilgram Marpeck


Kossen, H. B.: Hot domineren van de Geest en de rol van de
theologie (181-197).

Meilmizen. H.W.: Het begrip Heilige Geest in de vroegste ge-
schriften van Menno Simons (198-208).

Michel, Otto: Hans Joachim Iwand 1899-1960. Dank und Erinnerung
(ThBeitr 10, 1979 S. 145-149).

Mittelstrass, Jürgen: Wissenschaftstheorie und Wissenschaftsfor-
schiuig (Univ. 34. 1979 S. 953-962).

Mönnich, C.W.: Volwassen Geest (209-221).

Quene. C: 'Op zoek naar 'n deficit' (222-238).

Beiling. J.: Jezus en de Geest (239-254).

«mit Sibinga, J.: Toorn en droefheid in Marcus 3:5. Een bijdrago

aan het Corpus Hellenisticum (255-267).
Visser, D.: De Geest buiten spei. Jacob Aertsz. Colom, een onor-

thodox drukker en uitgever te Amsterdam (268-282).
Wal.G.A. van der: Enkele reflecties over filosofie - oud en nieuw


Yoder. J. H.: 'Spirit' and the Variet iea of Reformation Radicalism

Alter Orient

Jepsen, Alfred [Hrsg.]: Von Sinuhe bis Nebukadnezar. Dokumente
aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments, unter Mitarb. v. H. Freydank
, S.Herrmann, G.Morawe u.K.-D. Schunck. Berlin: Evang.
Verlagsanstalt; Stuttgart: Calwei' Verlag: München: Kösel-
Verlag [1975]. 248 S. m. 12 Abb. u. 4 Ktn. i. Text. 89 Abb. a,
48 Taf. gr. 8°.

This book is intended for a larger group of readers beyond the
academic students of the history of anoient Palestine. For that
reason the editor has chosen to document the aecount not only
with references to the textual and epigraphic material, but also
with quotations. some in extenso. This procedure will certainly be

The span of time covered in this book is not delimited by the two
figures mentioned in its title.Chapter B(written by S. Herrmann)
is an historical survey of the Near East from the beginning of t he
third millennium to the Christian era (35-58). Chapter C (written
by the editor) deals with the pre-Israelite history of Canaan going
back as far as the Stone Age (59-120). The subtitle of the book is
thus somewhat misleading.

Chapter A (written by K.-D. Schunck) gives an aecount of
archaeological work in Palestine down to 1967. One misses the
French F.cole Biblique among the institutions digging in the
country. In most instances the excavation directors are mentioned
by name, but occasionally one learns only that tho expedition was
American, Danish, or Dutch. Concerning the identitication of an
archaeological site with a Biblical place name. it should be remem-
bered that some of these are still hypothetical. For example. the
author identifies teil beit mirsim as Eglon (usually thought to be
located at teil elhesi) and not Debir as many scholars. following
W.F.Albright's Suggestion, believe (25). It may be noted in this
connection that khirbet rnbiid has recently been identified as Debir
by M. Kochavi (Tel Aviv 1. 1974. 2ff). Khirbel eLmuqwme is said
to be ancient Elteke. an identitication made by Albright in 1924
(30, 32, and cf. p. 176); J. Naveh would see it as aneient Ekron
instead (IEJ 8. 1958. 166ff). (The Prism of Sennacherib mentions
Elteke together with Ekron and Timna; see J. B. Pritchard. ed..
ANET. 288.) Most archaeological sites are included in the book.
Sir Flinders Petrie's expedition to tell je.mme. howeVer. is not to be
found in this chapter or in the index of "Ausgrabungsberichte"
(224f). It is understandable that the latest excavation reports could
not be used in this publication - as the "Vorwort" says - but it
would have been possible to mention several of these at least in
this index: e.g., M.-L. Buhl and S. Holm-Nielsen. Skiloh. Copen-
hagen 1969; W.G. Dever, H.D.Lance. G. E. Wright. Gezer I:
Preliminary Report of the 1964-66 Seasows (HUCBASJ I). Jerusalem
1970; J.A. Callaway. The Earhj Bronze Age Sanetuary at Ai
(et-Tell). London 1972. It is curious that there is no mention of
O. R. Seilers et rtl., The 1957 Excavation at Beth-Zur (AASOR 38).
1968, when another volume in the same series and printed in the
same year is eited. namely J. L. Kelso. Tin Excavation» of Bethel
(1934-1960) (AASOB, 39). 1968. In the bibliography one would
have expected to find also V. Aharoni. The Land of the Rible.
Philadelphia 1967.

In his discussion of the cultural scene in Canaan during the Late
I!. 'onze Age the author (A. Jepsen) concludes that it is very mueh
influenced by Egypt. coastal Syria. and Cyprus. Concerning temple
architecture, for example, it is said to have been inspired from the
North. The three-room temple at teil tainai in Syria is compared
with that at Hazor, area H (108). One may object in that the teil
tainat temple does not have three broadrooms as does the Hazor H
temple (which. by the way. originally was a one-room [broadroom]
temple). The latter has a N-S orientation. Another temple type
oCCura at Hazor, area C, which has a single broadroom in a W-E
orientation. One must conclude. therefore. that there were a mim-
ber of different temple types in Canaan. This becomes quite clear if
the I.B temples at Megiddo. Beth-Shean. Lachish. and Shechem
are also taken into consideration.

The author states that Palestine was "ein Sammelbecken für die
Kulturen seiner Umwelt" (109). a statement that will not be dis-