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zur inhaltlichen Würdigung uneingeschränkt auf die Besprechung
verwiesen werden, die in dieser Zeitschrift
Jahrg. 93 (1968), Sp. 350 f. erschienen ist.

Göttingen Eduard Lohsc

Barclay, William: A Comparison of Paul's Missionary
Preaching and Preaching to the Church (Apostolic
History and the Gospel. Biblical and Historical Essays
presented to F.F. Bruce. ExeterDevon 1970 S. 165-175).

Black, Matthew: The Chi-Rho Sign - Christogram and/or
Staurogram? (Apostolic History and the Gospel. Biblical
and Historical Essays presented to F. F. Bruce. Exeter
Devon 1970 S. 319-327).

Blaiklock, E. M.: The Acts of the Apostles as a Document
of First Century History (Apostolic History and the
Gospel. Biblical and Historical Essays presented to
F. F. Bruce. Exeter Devon 1970 S. 41-54).

Burkiii, T. A.: The condemnation of Jesus: a critique of
Sherwin-White's thesis (NovTest 12, 1970 S. 321-342).

Corsani, Bruno: II Vangelo secondo Marco. Recenti studi
sulla sua interpretazione e esegesi (Protestantesimo
XXV, 1970 S. 137-154).

Dupont, Jacques: The Conversion of Paul, and its Influ-
ence on his Understanding of Salvation by Faith (Apostolic
History and the Gospel. Biblical and Historical
Essays presented to F. F. Bruce. Exeter Devon 1970
S. 176-194).

Duquoc, Christian: Die Hoffnung Jesu (Conc 6, 1970
S. 607-612).

Eideren, Bastian van: Some Archaeological Observations
on Paul's First Missionary Journey (Apostolic History
and the Gospel. Biblical and Historical Essays presented
ted to F. F. Bruce. Exeter Devon 1970 S. 151-161).

Elliot, Keith: Nouns with diminutive endings in the New
Testament (NovTest 12, 1970 S. 391-398).

Ellis, E. Earle: The Role of the Christian Prophet in Acts
(Apostolic History and the Gospel. Biblical and Historical
Essays presented to F. F. Bruce. Exeter Devon
1970 S. 55-67).

Ellison, H. L.: Paul and the Law - "All Things to All
Men" (Apostolic History and the Gospel. Biblical and
Historical Essays presented to F. F. Bruce. Exeter Devon
1970 S. 195-202).

Feuillet, A.: „Chercher ä persuader Dieu" (NovTest 12,
1970 S. 350-360).

Filson, Floyd V.: The Journey Motif in Luke-Acts (Apostolic
History and the Gospel. Biblical and Historical
Essays presented to F. F. Bruce. Exeter Devon 1970
S. 68-77).

Gundry, Robert H.: The Form, Meaning and Background
of the Hymn Quoted in Timothy 3,16 (Apostolic History
and the Gospel. Biblical and Historical Essays presented
to F. F. Bruce. Exeter Devon 1970 S. 203-222).

Guthrie, Donald: Acts and Epistles in Apocryphal Writings
(Apostolic History and the Gospel. Biblical and Historical
Essays presented to F. F. Bruce. Exeter Devon 1970
S. 328-345).

Higgins, A. J. B.: The Preface to Luke and the Kerygma
in Acts (Apostolic History and the Gospel. Biblical and
Historical Essays presented to F. F. Bruce. Exeter Devon
1970 S. 78-91).

Jewett, Robert: Conflicting movements in the early church
as reflected in Philippians (NovTest 12, 1970 S. 362 bis

Käsemann, Ernst: Das Thema des Neuen Testamentes
(1845-1970 Almanach. 125 Jahre Chr. Kaiser Verlag
München. München 1970 S. 66-83).

Ladd, G. E.: Revelation and Tradition in Paul (Apostolic
History and the Gospel. Biblical and Historical Essays
presented to F. F. Bruce. Exeter Devon 1970 S. 223 bis

Lee, G. M.: Philippians I, 22-23 (NovTest 12, 1970 S.361).

Marshall, I. Howard: The Resurrection in the Acts of the
Apostles (Apostolic History and the Gospel. Biblical
and Historical Essays presented to F. F. Bruce. Exeter
Devon 1970 S. 92-107).


Martin, William J.: I Corinthians 11,2-16: An Interpretation
(Apostolic History and the Gospel. Biblical and
Historical Essays presented to F. F. Bruce. Exeter
Devon 1970 S. 231-241).

Mattill, A. J.: The Purpose of Acts: Schneckenburger
Reconsiderd (Apostolic History and the Gospel. Biblical
and Historical Essays presented to F. F. Bruce Exeter
Devon 1970 S. 108-122).

Metzger, Bruce M.: Ancient Astrological Geography and
Acts 2, 9-11 (Apostolic History and the Gospel. Biblical
and Historical Essays presented to F. F. Bruce Exeter
Devon 1970 S. 123-133).

Miliard, A. R.: Covenant and Communion in First Corinthians
(Apostolic History and the Gospel. Biblical and
rical Essays presented to F. F. Bruce. Exeter Devon
1970 S. 242-248).

Morris, Leon: The Theme of Romans (Apostolic History
and the Gospel. Biblical and Historical Essays presented
to F. F. Bruce. Exeter Devon 1970 S. 249-263).

Moule, C. F. D.: Further Reflexions on Philippians 2,5-11
(Apostolic History and the Gospel. Biblical and Historical
Essays presented to F. F. Bruce. Exeter Devon
1970 S. 264-276).

Payne, D. F.: Semitisms in the Book of Acts (Apostolic
History and the Gospel. Biblical and Historical Essays
presented to F. F. Bruce. Exeter Devon 1970 S. 134-150).

Reicke, Bo: Caesarea, Rome and the Captivity Epistles
(Apostolic History and the Gospel. Biblical and Historical
Essays presented to F. F. Bruce. Exeter Devon
1970 S. 277-286).

Ruddick, C. T: Birth narratives in Genesis and Luke
(NovTest 12, 1970 S. 343-348).

Schnackenburg, Rudolf: Apostles Before and Düring Paul's
Time (Apostolic History and the Gospel. Biblical and
Historical Essays presented to F. F. Bruec. Exeter Devon
1970 S. 287-303).

Schürmann, Heinz, Prof. Dr.: Der Einsetzungsbericht Lk 22,
19-20. II. Teil einer quellenkritischen Untersuchung des
lukanischen Abendmahlsberichtes Lk 22, 7-38. 2., un-
veränd. Aufl. Münster/Westf.: Aschendorff [1970]. XIII.
153 S. gr. 8°. (s. Bespr. in ThLZ 81, 1956, Sp. 217).

Schwank, Benedikt: Christliche Freiheit nach dem Galater-
brief (Erbe und Auftrag 46, 1970 S. 381-390).

Subilia, Vittorio: Un saggio post-bultmannio di Teologia
del Nuovo Testamente (Protestantesimo XXV, 1970
S. 28-35).

Thrall, Margaret E.: The Origin of Pauline Christology
(Apostolic History and the Gospel. Biblical and Historical
Essays presented to F. F. Bruce. Exeter Devon 1970
S. 304-316).

Walls, A. F.: The First Chapter of the Epistle to the
Romans and the Modern Missionary Movement (Apostolic
History and the Gospel. Biblical and Historical
Essays presented to F. F. Bruce. Exeter Devon 1970
S. 346-357).

Winter, Paul: The proto-source of Luke I (NovTest 12,
1970 S. 349).


Theissing, Hermann: Glaube und Theologie bei Robert
Cowton OFM. Münster/W.: Aschendorff [1970). X, 330 S.
gr. 8° = Beiträge zur Geschichte d. Philosophie u. Theologie
d. Mittelalters. Texte u. Untersuchungen, hrsg. v.
M. Schmaus, XLII, 3. Kart. DM 49,-.
Robert Cowton hat im deutschen Sprachgebiet nur
wenig Beachtung gefunden. Aber auch die aufjerdeutsche
Literatur ist, wie das erschöpfende Literaturverzeichnis
zeigt, nicht umfangreich. Das vorliegende Buch, eine
katholische Dissertation (München) vom Jahre 1963, ist
die erste größere Untersuchung über Cowton. Sie beruht
auf zum größten Teil bisher unveröffentlichten Texten und
beschäftigt sich mit der Theologischen Einleitungslehre des
ebenfalls bisher nicht publizierten Sentenzenkommentar
Cowtons. Der Vf. gibt selbst zu, dafji es sich bei Cowton

Theologische Literaturzeitung 96. Jahrgang 1971 Nr. 5