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Streeter u. a., B. H.


Foundations. A Statement of Christian Belief in Terms of modern Thought: by seven Oxford Men 1913


Mackintosh, H. R.

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Theologische Literaturzeitung

Begründet von Emil Schürer und Adolf Harnack

Fortgeführt von Professor D. Arthur TitiUS und Oberlehrer Lic. Hermann Schuster

[ährlich 26 Nrn. Verlag: J. C. Hlnrlchs'fche Buchhandlung, Leipzig Halbjährlich 10 Mark

_ Manufkripte und gelehrte Mitteilungen find ausfchließlichan ~ , „. „

38. Jahrg. Nr. 18 ProfefforD.Titius in Güttingen Nikolausberger Weg 66, iu fenden. 30. AUgUSt 1913

o Rezenfionsexemnlare ausfchließlich an den Verlag. °

Foundations (Mackintosh).
Lehmann, Textbuch zur Religionsgefchichte

Dürkheim, Les Formes elementares de la Vie
religieuse (E. W. Mayer).

König, Gefchichte der altteftamentlichen Religion

Thorburn, The Resurrection Narratives and
modern Criticism (A. Meyer).

Simpson, The Resurrection and modern Thought

Mufer, Die Auferftehung Jefu und ihre neueften

Kritiker (Derf.).
Jacquier etBourchany, La Resurrection de

Jesus-Christ. — Les Miracles evangeliques


Loefchcke, Zwei kirchengefchichtliche Entwürfe

Swete, The Holy Spirit in the Ancient Church
(v. Dobfchütz).

Schiller, Bürgerfchaft u. Geiftlichkeit in Goslar
(1290—1365) (Lerche).

Meier, Die Lehre des Thomas v. Aquino de
passionibus animae (Scheel).

Zwickauer Facfimiledrucke. Nr. 1—5 u. 16

Klingenburg, Das Verhältnis Calvins zuButzer

Averdieck, Lebenserinnerungen (Knoke).
Ihmels, Centralfragen der Dogmatik in der

Gegenwart (Kattenbufch).

Staudenmaier, Die Magie als experimentelle

Naturwiffenfchaft (Weber).
Grubb, Christianity and Business (Bussmann).
Lampert, Die kirchlichen Stiftungen, Anftalteu

u. Körperfchaften nach fchweizerifchem Recht


Referate: Bornemann, Konfuzius. — Der Lu-
dus de Antechristo. — Strauch, Meifter Eck-
hart-Probleme. — Schleiermacher, Über
die Religion. — Lehmen, Lehrbuch der Phi-
lofophie auf ariftotelifch-fcholaftifcher Grundlage
. — Achelis, Praktifche Theologie.

Mitteilungen: (31) Neue koptifche Apokryphen.
(32) Handschriftlicher Nachlaß Schleiermachers
zur philofophifchen Ethik.

Wichtige Rezenfioncn. — Neuefte Literatur.

Foundations. A Statement of Christian Belief in Terms
of modern Thought: by seven Oxford Men. B. H. Stree-
ter, R. Brook, W. H. Moberly, R. G. Parsons, A. E. J. Raw-
linson, N. S. Talbot, W. Temple. (XI, 536 S.) 8°.
London Macmillan & Co. 1912. s. 10. 6

This good-sized volume is welcome not only for its
own sake but as an important symptom of theological
movement in the Church of England. The writers are
all Oxford scholars and teachers closely united by religious
sympathy, who feel that as young men they have 'the
responsibility of making experiments'. They wish to re-
model older forms of doctrine in the light of natural science,
the psychology of religion, the historical method and the
critical study of ancient documents.

Talbot, in Essay 1, deals in a fresh and masculine
spirit with 'The Modern Situation', arguing that owing to
the dissipation, largely through Darwin, of the religious,
ethical, economic and biological optimism of fifty years
since, a mental climate has been produced curiously resem-
bling that in which Jesus appeared, and that once more
He is going to answer the final questions about God.
In Essay 2 Brook discusses the content, origin and permanent
value of the religious experience of which the Bible
is the literary deposit. Essay 3, by Streeter, on 'The
Historie Christ' is marked by even more distinetion than
his contributions to the 'Oxford Studies in the Synoptic
Problem' (1911). He does füll justice to the influeneeonjesus
of apocalyptic ideas, but rejects the notion of an
Interimsethik. In a striking passage he says, 'At the
bedside of a dying man the cloud is often lifted. In virtue
of the eschatological hope our Lord and His first disciples
found themselves standing, as it were, at the bedside of
a dying world. Thus for a whole generation the cloud
of lesser interests was rolled away, and ultimate values
and eternal issues stood out before them stark and clear,
as never before or since in the history ofourrace' (119).
The resurrection appearances, he holds, may be called vi-
sions if by that we mean something directly caused by
the Lord Himself Rawlinson and Parsons offer in Essay
4 an admirable survey of 'The Interpretation of the Christ
in the NT', where their treatment of the Fourth Gospel
is notable alike for its critical and religious power, but
an exaggerated emphasis is laid on the influence exerted
on Christology by early sacramental ideas. Essay 5 by

545 546

Temple is on 'The Divinity of Christ'. Chalcedon, aecor-
ding to the writer, is a confession of the bankruptey of
Greek theology, and he contends justly that the higher
being of Christ is interpretable in terms of will, not sub-
stance. Conscious as he is of the inadequaey of all for-
mulas, he yet defines a position in the impressive words:
'In all which directly concerns the spiritual relation of
Man to God, Christ is identically one with the Pather
in the content of His being' (250), and selects the question-
able phrase 'all-inclusive Humanity' to denote the fact
that 'we become like Christ when we see Hirn as He is'.
Temple also writes an attractive Essay (No. 7) on 'The
Church'. A similar temper, averse to unchurching those
who differ, pervades Rawlinson's Essay (No. 8) on 'The
Principle of Äuthority', where a general view of the Lord's
Supper is expounded with which few modern Calvinists
need quarrel. To say blankly, however, on p. 395 that
Protestants do not at all coneeive the minister verbi as
the organ of the Church, is misleading and erroneous.
Moberly's Essays (Nos. 6 and 9) on 'The Atonement' and
'God and the Absolute' — the longest in the volume —
are difficult to characterize briefly. That on the Atonement
both contains and suggests valuable ideas, though it re-
affirms the unfortunate theory that Christ made atonement
through 'vicarious penitence'. Elsewhere it rightly pro-
tests against the over-individualistic coneeption of per-
sonality with which the modern mind is apt to approach
the question. But it is more than doubtful whether the
Christian thought of God, to which as the Introduction
states the whole volume is designed to lead up, can be
put in so close and so organic a relation to the Neo-
Hegelian coneeption of the Absolute as is done in the
very able concluding Essay.

The earnest and courteous spirit of the book, as well
as its deeply religious tone, will gain friends in all the
Churches. It is not the first corporate effort of Anglican
theology by which other communions have been enriched.
Yet it is passing stränge that a work which exhibits real
knowledge of German criticism and German philosophy
should be comparatively indifferent to modern German dog-
matic. The allusions to Ritschlianism are far from pene-
trating, and one notices with some concern that the name
of Schleiermacher has no place in the Index.

Edinburgh. H. R. Mackintosh.