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1894 Nr. 22




Herold, Max


Vesperale oder die Nachmittage unserer Feste und ihre gottesdienstliche Bereicherung 1894


Köstlin, Heinrich Adolf

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573 Theologifche Literaturzeitung. 1894. Nr. 22. 574

Osgood, H., ' If one love rne, he will keep my word'. [The 'higher
criticism' of the Old Testament] [The Bibliotheca Sacra 1894, »et
p. 674—695).

Guthe, Die gefchichtliche Auffaffung des Alten Teftaments (Die chriftl.

Welt 1894, 40, Sp. 947—952; 41, Sp. 974—977).
Kent, Ch. F., Jerobertm and the disruption [The Biblical World IV

i, july 1894, p. 38—48).
Poucher, J., The Israelite view of patriotism [The Biblical World IV,
m. än'fchÜefsender Bibelkunde etc. i.tX Altes Teftament. Leipz., j 1, july 1894,/. 32—37).
Klinkhardt, 1894. (VIII, 339 S. gr. 8.) 4- — , Harper, W. R., The Belüge in other litsrahtres and kistory [The

Katechismus, der neue, hrsg. v. Hamm (1893) verglichen m. dem Hanauer Bi'dical World IV, 2, aug. 1894, p. 114—123).

Katechismus genannt: ,Der lautere Lehrbrunn Israels', v. Mitgliedern ' Harper, W. R., Some general considerations relating to Genesis I—XI

Kögel, ML, Suche Jefum u. fein Licht! Predigten. Mit e. Vorwort v.

R. Kögel. Kaffel, Röttger, 1894. (V, 140 S. gr. 8.) 1. 80; geb. 2. 40
Ho ff mann, H., Chriftblumen. Eine Sammig. v. Anfprachen zu den

Chriftvefpern, geh. in der St. Laurentii-Kirche. 2. Aufl. Halle, Mühl-

mann's Verl., 1894. (79 S. 12.) —. 80; geb. I. 20
- Eins i(t not! Ein 3. Jahrg. Predigten, meiflens üb. freie Texte.

Ebd., 1894. (IX, 399 S. gr. 8.) 5. 60; geb. 6. 60

Grundig, F., Handreichung zur Behandlung der biblifchen Gefchichte

der .Ev.-luth. Miffionsgefellfchaft'. Strafsb., (Noiriel), 1894 (33 S.

gr. 8.) —. 40

Neumeifter, C., Dogmatifch-katechetifche Beiträge zum 3. Artikel des

Apoftolikum. Halle. Miihlmann's Verl., 1894. (III, 82 S. gr. 8.) I. 50
Müllenfiefen, J., ABC f. das chriftliche Haus. Halle, Strien, 1894.

(84 S. 12.) Geb. m. G. 2. 50

Wohl, M., Maimonides' Commentar zum Tractat Chulin. Arabifcher

Urtext m. verbefTerter hebr. Ueberfetzg., Einleitg. u. Anmerkgn.

Frankf. all, Kauffmann, 1894. (22 u. 21 S. gr. 8.) I. 50

titcr«tur oce iluslaiiöcs.

Bonwick, J., Irish Druids and old Irish religions. London, Low, 1894.

(332 P- 8.) 6 s-

Jacobs, J.. Studies in biblical archaeology. London, Nutt, 1894.
(170 p. 8.) 3 s. 6 d.

Feltoe, C. L., The Book of Judges. LondoD, Nisbet, 1894. (8.) i s. 6 d.
Nisbet's Scripture Handbooks.

Dyer, A. S, Psalm Mosaics: a biographical and historical commentary
on the Psalms. London, Stock, 1894. (586 p. 8.) 10 s. 6 d.

Godet, F., Introduction to the New Testament. Particular introduction:
I. The Epistles of St. Paul. Translatcd from the French by W.
Affleck. Edinburgh, Clark, 1894. (620 p. 8.) 12 s. 6 d.

Strong, J., The exhaustive concordauce of the Bible: showing every
word of the text of the common English Version of the canonical
books, & also brief dictionaries of the Hebrew and Greek words of
the original, with references to the English words. New York,
Hunt & Eaton, 1894. (1340, 262, 128, 79 p. fol.) $6.

Oracles ascribed to Matthew by Papias of Hierapolis: a contribution to
the criticism of the New Testament. With appendices on the author-
sh ip of the De vita contemplativa, the date of the crucifixion, and
the date of the martyrdom of Polycarp. London, Longmans, 1894.
(276 p. 8.) , 6 s.

Riquier, A., et Combes, Histoire de l'Eglise. 8= edit., corrigee et
augmentee. (Cours elementaire.) Paris, lib. Delagrave, 1894. (VIII,
576 p. avec grav., 18.)

Barbier de Montault, X., Oeuvres completes. T. 9: Rome. VI:
Ilagiographie. (Premiere partie.) Poitiers, imprim. Blais, Roy et C=,
1894. (612 p. 8.)

Benavides et Checa, Joseph, De s. Damaso I Papa, confessore hi-

spano: homilia habita in coemeterio Domitillae ad cultores martyrum

die XIV decembr. MDCCCLXXXXIIII. Accedit brevis dissertatio

ad eorum argumenta refellenda, qui s. Damasum Romae natum af-

firmant. Romae, typ. s. Joseph, 1894. (48 p. 8.)
Baldwin, F. B., The old Churches of our land: the Why, How, and

Whcn of them. London, Christian Knowledge Soc, 1894. (8.) 5 s.
Tournier, Le catholicisme et le Protestantisme dans le pays de Mont-

beliard. Besancon, impr. Jacquin, 1894. (XXI, 493 P- 8.)
Pierson, A. T., The New Acts of the Apostles; or, the marvels of

modern missions. A series of lectures lipon the foundation of the

Duff Missionary Lectureship &c. With introduction by A. Thomson.

London, Nisbet, 1894. (462 p. 8.) 6.s-
Brooke, S.A., Jesus and modern thought: Discourses on the humamty

of Jesus, and the love we bear to Jesus. London, Green, 1894.

(60 p. 8.) 1 s-

Fl int. R.. Anti-Theistic Theorics: being the Baird Lecture for 1877.

51h edit. London, Blackwood & S., 1894. (560 p. 8.) 10 s. 6 d.
Anzoletti, L., La fede nel soprannaturale e la sua efficacia sul pro-

gresso della societa umana: saggio storico-religioso. Milano, tip.

L. F. Cogliati edit.,1894. (VIII, 437 p. 16.) L; 3- 5°

Gondal, J. L., Du spiritualisme au christianisme. Surnaturel. Paris, lib.

Roger et Chemoviz, 1894. (XI, 412 p. 18.)
Hume, F., Whom God hath joined: a question of marriage. 3rd edit.
London, F. V. White, 1894. (310 p. 12.) 2 s.

2Ctt0 DCttfchriftcii.

Riale, F. N., The value and danger of the study of comparalive re-
ligion [The Biblical World IV, 1. july 1894,'/. 14—19).

Leonard, D. L., The outlook for Islam [The Bibliotheca Sacra 1894,
od., p. 660-673).

Warfield, B. B., 77re Inspiration of the Bible [The Bibliotheca Sacra
1894, ocU p. 614—640).

Lindsay, Th. M., Professor W. Robertson Smith''s doctrine of Scripture

[The Biblical World IV, 3, sept. 1894. p. 184 — 201).

Flarper, W. R., The Hebrew stories of the Belüge. Genesis VI_IX

[The Biblical World IV, 1, july 1894, /. 20—31).
Hayman, IL, On the law of fringes in Numbers and Beutercnomy

[The Bibliotheca Sacra 1894, od., p. 705—707).
Porter, F. C., The Psalms of the Pharisees [The Biblical World IV,

3, sept. 1894. p. 167-176).
Howorth, H. H., The Septuagint versus the Hebrew text of the Bible.

VIII [The Academy 1894, 6 od., Sp. 256a—257a).
Allen, W. C, On the meaning of ngoaqhvzoq in the Septuagint [The

Expositor 1894, od., p. 264—275).
R'ggS' J- 8., Studies in Palestinian geography. I. The land as a

whole. II. Judea. III. Jerusalem. IV. Samaria [The Biblical World

IV, sjuly 1894, p. 7—13; 2> <>«g; P- 87—931 3. tept., p. 177—183;

4, od., p. 279-286).
Zöckler, O., Wo lag das biblifche Galatien? (Theol. Stud. u. Krit.

1895, 1, S. 51—102).
Beet, J. A., New Testament teaching on the second Coming of Christ.

I. Preparatory: the Old Testament, and the Book of Enoch. II.

The teaching of St. Paul. III. The Synoptic Gospels. IV. The

Johannine Wriiings [The Expositor 1894, June, p. 430—439; aug.

p. 98—in; sept., p. 190—199; od., p. 287—299).
Ramsdell, Th. J., The hingdom of heaven in the Gospel of Matthew

[The Biblical World IV, 2, aug. 1894, p. 124—133).
Kolbing, P,, Studien zur paulinifchen Theologie. I. dixuioovvn d-eov

in Röm. 1, 17. II. Ov 7trtot9sTO b 9-edc, iXuozy'jQiov diu zrjq ntaxetoq

f)v ziö uvzov ulfiuzi Röm. 3, 25 (Theol. Stud. u. Krit. 1895, L

5, 7-51).

Bruce, A. B., St. Pauls conception of christianity. XVIII. Christ
XIX. The Christian life. XX. The Church. XXI. The last thing's
[The Expositor 1894, july, p. 32—46; aug., p. 112—126; sept., p.
199-213; od., p. 300—313).

Cross, J. A., 7he Akhmim fragment [of the Gospel of Peter] and the
fourth Gospel [The Expositor 1894, od., p. 320).

Görres, F., Johannes von Biclaro (Theol. Stud. u. Krit. 1895, 1, S.
i°3— J35)-

Haufsleiter, J., Drei neue Schriften Novatian's (Theol. Litblt. 1894,

41, Sp. 481—487).
Morin, G., Les Commentarioli inldits de saint Jlrbme sur les Psaumes

[Rtvue benldidine 1894, 10, p. 472—475).
Morin, G., Etüde sur UHI serie de discours d'un rfveque [de NaplesT)

du V P siede [Revue benediciine 1894, 9, p. 385—402).
Berliere, U., Saint Wolfgang, Ivique de Ratisbonne [Revue benedidine

1894, 10,/. 464—471).
Schöller, R., Die Unterwerfung der Chriftenheit durch die Kirche bis

zum Ende des Mittelalters trotz des Proteftes der Apoftelbriefe u.

der Evangelien (Theol. Ztfchr. aus d. Schweiz 1894, 3, S. 129—167).
Hauck, A., Zur Erklärung von Ekkeh. cas. s. Galli c. 87 (Kleinere

Beiträge zur Gefchichte von Dozenten der Leipziger Hochfchule

1894, S. 107—113).
Rietfchel, G., Luthers Ordinationsformular in feiner urfprünglichen

Gefl.alt (Theol. Stud. u. Krit. 1895, i, S. 168—180).
Ileyer, H., La controverse sur la seine dans l'Eglise bemoise de 1532

ä 1542 [Revue de thCol. et de philos. 1894, 5, p. 393—413).
Ifsleib, S., Das Interim in Sachfen 1548 — 52 (Neues Arch. f. Sächf.

Gefch. u. Altertumskde XV, 3 u. 4, 1894, S. 193—236).
Meyer, W., Melanchthon's Vorlefung über Cicero's Officia 1555 (Nachm.

v. d. Kgl. Gcfellfch. d. Wiffenfch. zu Gött. Phil.-hift. Klaffe 1894, 2

S. 146-181).

Majunke, P., Johannes Aurifaber (Hift.-polit. Blätter Bd. 114, 6, 1894
S. 418-428).

Bernard, J. H., The predecessors of Bishop Butler [Hermathena XX
1894, p. 75-84).

Marucchi, O., Giovanni Battista de Rossi [Nuova Antologia 1804

fasc. XIX, p. 521—530). y
Simon, D. W., 77/e nature and scope of systematic theology [The

Bibliotheca Sacra 1894, od., p. 587—603).
Schweizer, R., Anseimus redivivus oder Kritik u. Reconllruktion der

kirchlichen Verföhnungslehre. I (Theol. Ztfchr. aus d. Schweiz 1894,

3, S. 167-187).

Tissot, D., Un traitd de Schleiermacher [Ueber die Lehre von der Erzählung
] I [Revue de theol. et de philos. 1894, 5, /. 453—471).
Chapuis, P., La foi en Jt/sus-Christ, ou quels sont, dans la personna-

ISli a, *ti— /.-_______j___< __j . .

[7he Expositor 1894, od., p. 241—264). ^ Ute de Jesus, les caractlres qui autorisent et qui expliquent la foi

Vernier, F., Be quelques consequences theologiques et ecclesiastiques I qu'il rdclame? I [Revue de theol. et de philos. 1894, 5,75.472_498).

des prineipaux resultats de la critique 'moderne' [Revue de theol. Holbrook, Z. S., Christian Sociology [The Bibliotheca Sacra 1894,

et des questions rtlig. 1894, 5, p. 3°i—379)- od., p. 537—559)-