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Philosophie, Religionsphilosophie


Figal, Günter


Unscheinbarkeit. Der Raum der Phänomenologie.


Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2015. XII, 297 S. Lw. EUR 74,00. ISBN 978-3-16-153711-0; unveränd. Studienausgabe 2016. Kart. EUR 39,00. ISBN 978-3-16-154346-3.


George Pattison

We are frequently hearing that astro-physicists now believe that the universe as we know it is only a small fraction of all that is and that ›behind‹ the world known to physics is a vaster realm of so-called dark matter. What this might be is, it seems, not unknow-able in absolute terms but is, as yet, unexplored territory. Günter Figal’s Unscheinbarkeit perhaps invites comparison with this scenario, since, he argues, we can only know what appears by virtue of its location within what does not and cannot itself ever appear. Nevertheless, like the physicists now pushing their enquiries into the realms of dark matter, F. does not believe this to entail having to keep silent in the face of that whereof we cannot speak. In this work, therefore, he investigates just how we might ...

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