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Dogmen- und Theologiegeschichte


James Carleton Paget


Aspects of Albert Schweitzer’s Piety

In his Gifford Lecture of November 5th, 1934, in Edinburgh, Albert Schweitzer, after noting that the churches were failing at the time he was writing to exert any moral power over the mass of people, stated: »Ich spreche als einer, der sich als im Dienste der christlichen Kirche stehend fühlt und ihr in tiefer Verehrung und Liebe ergeben ist.«1

At one level this is an uncontroversial statement. Schweitzer had been an ordained minister of the Lutheran church since 1900 and before his departure to Africa in 1913, he had served as Vikar of the St. Nicolai church in central Strasbourg, where he preached regularly, held confirmation classes and presided at funerals and marriages. These duties were performed at a time of intense activity for Schweitzer as ...

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