Recherche – Detailansicht






Philosophie, Religionsphilosophie


Ille, George


Between Vision and Obedience – Rethinking Theological Epistemology. Theological Reflections on Ration-ality and Agency with Special Reference to Paul Ricœur and G. W. F. Hegel.


Cambridge: James Clarke (Lutterworth) 2013. 318 S. Kart. £ 25,00. ISBN 978-0-22717426-5.


Johann-Albrecht Meylahn

The book, Between Vision and Obedience, by George Ille is a rework-ing of his PhD thesis which he completed in 2000. He obtained his PhD from King’s College, University of London in the United Kingdom, under the supervision of Colin E. Gunton. The title of the PhD thesis was, Between vision and obedience: hermeneutical explorations of agency as prolegomena for a theological epistemology with special reference to Paul Ricœur and G. W. F. Hegel.
After the completion of the PhD from the University of London, I. and his family relocated to the USA. He states in the introduction of the book that it was in this period of relocation that the thesis was reworked into a book. The relocation provided not only a new context, but also new colleagues, different voices and new ...

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