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Philosophie, Religionsphilosophie


Honold, Alexander, Luppi, Valentina, u. Anton Bierl[Hrsg.]


Ästhetik des Opfers. Zeichen/Handlungen in Ritual und Spiel. Hrsg. unter Mitarbeit v. S. Aeberhard u. S. Kleie


Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink 2012. 313 S. Kart. EUR 44,90. ISBN 978-3-7705-5418-8.


Douglas Hedley

The title Ästhetic des Opfers is strikingly paradoxical. What could be less aesthetic than some gory sacrifice? The title page is a Viking grave in Denmark: heavy primaeval stones of a heathen Europe. When the English novelist D. H. Lawrence lived in Cornwall, he delighted in that remote region’s primordial quality, particularly the great granite stones that are characteristic of the area. This evoked for Lawrence the mysteries of a pre-Christian age of blood sacrifices. The novelist found in this landscape mirrors of a ›blood-conciousness‹ deeper than the mental consciousness of the refined European culture that was destroying itself in the First world war. From Abraham and Isaac to Iphigenia and Pentheus, much of the great imaginative work of the ancient and modern Western ...

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